Friday, July 29, 2011

A Great Pond Pictorial Highlight

     Here are a few photographs I took of a Great Crested Flycatcher nest at Great Pond State Forest in Simsbury.
     The Great Crested Flycatcher is the only cavity-nesting flycatcher in North America. The nest hole is located in a dead tree stump along the edge of the pond, about five-feet from the ground.
     At the time these photographs were taken, both parents were actively catching dragonflies and feeding them to their lone nestling. Nestlings are often fed dragonflies, moths and butterflies without the wings removed.
     The Great Crested Flycatchers main winter range extends from southern Mexico, south throughout Central America, to eastern Panama.  

Monday, July 18, 2011

Signs Of Birds

     For those who enjoy watching birds, the hobby of birding can offer people many different avenues in which to pursue. More than just identification, birding involves everything from the study of various plumages, behaviors and habits, finding and documenting rarities, photography, hawk watching and banding.
     One such facet of birding I have recently discovered has been the art of recognizing bird tracks and sign. Every so often, there comes a time in the field where a dropped feather or an interesting foot print turns out to be a complete mystery.
     Some signs are quite obvious like the drilled sap wells of the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. But others can be quite tricky. When those types of signs are encountered, birders will have to analyze each situation and look for clues to come up with the best possible explanation.  The more you observe and learn about the lives of birds, the easier it will become to interpret signs.    
     My first experience with avian forensics occurred years ago along the back trails of the West Hartford Reservoir. On an early morning hike, I happened upon the dismembered body of a red phase Eastern Screech-Owl. All that was left were two partial wings and a variety of other feathers, not much else. As I picked up the pieces to examine them more closely, I noticed that three of the feathers were different. After some careful home study, I had determined that the unidentified feathers belonged to an adult accipiter, most likely a Cooper’s Hawk.
     A more familiar sign in our woodlands are those that are left behind by the industrious woodpeckers. Of all the woodpeckers, the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is the master of sign. The tell-tale sign of a sapsucker’s presence in an area is trees with multiple rows of holes drilled into the trunk. Even though I’m unable to locate their nest hole this summer, an active sap well in my Canton yard is a good indication there are sapsuckers nesting nearby.

Active Sap Well

     Another species that is frequently seen in my yard is the Pileated Woodpecker. Pileated Woodpeckers excavate large rectangular holes in mature trees as they search for grubs, beetles and ants. An enormous pile of wood chips below the hole is a sure sign of this woodpecker’s handiwork.  
     The largely nocturnal Great Horned Owl is often very hard to see. But a scattering of pellets under a stand of tall white pine trees may disclose a favored roost or hidden nest. Simply described, a pellet is a regurgitated mass of indigestible animal remains, comprised mainly of fur and small bones. People who study Great Horned Owls can often determine a bird’s present diet by the dissection of a pellet. They will also be able to gather information about the prey species itself, i.e. population size.
Weathered Great Horned Owl Pellet
     Bird tracks, or footprints, are a wonderful way to determine the presence and habits of a particular bird. The Spotted Sandpiper for example, is a common species whose track is found beside any freshwater body of water.  Before photographing its prints, I watched a hungry sandpiper delicately pick at the mud and chase insects along the banks of the Connecticut River in Wethersfield. A significant amount of track activity from this particular spot, both from the sandpiper and Killdeer, clearly shows an abundance of food here. Their occurrence in late June hints at nesting in the immediate area.
Spotted Sandpiper Tracks
     Winter is also an excellent time of year to look for bird sign. Not only is it simpler to find tracks in the snow, it is easier to discover nests from the past breeding season. The tree-top location of a Baltimore Oriole nest is unveiled as soon as every last leaf has fallen. Nearer to the ground, hard-to-find nests like that of a Chipping Sparrow and Common Yellowthroat allow birders to learn more about site locations and construction material.  
American Crow Track With Wing Impression
     One way to become familiar with track and sign is to study birds right in your own backyard. This is the place where you will know birds the best as well as the place you feel most comfortable in. Once you have achieved a close relationship with birds, it will become easier to identify their sign, even when they have long moved on.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Marsh Bird Relationships

     Station 43 in South Windsor is considered by many to be one of Connecticut’s premier birding locations. A beautiful eleven-acre marsh, Station 43 is owned by the Hartford Audubon Society and serves as one of the few breeding sites in the state for the elusive Least Bittern.
     On a hot, humid day in late June, I visited the marsh with hopes of catching a glimpse of this small heron. Like many of my past outings, achieving success with bitterns often entails a lot of patience as well as a bit of good luck. 

     As I eagerly anticipated the appearance of a Least Bittern, I couldn’t help but notice all the other wetland species flying about me. Swamp Sparrows, Marsh Wrens and Red-winged Blackbirds were all observed to be defending territory or actively nesting in a confined area of the marsh.  I thought to myself, how do all these birds breed in such close proximity, and still manage to be successful?
     Marshes are low-lying tracts of land that hold water throughout much of the year. They are dominated by thick, rooted vegetation such as cattails, bulrushes and sedges.  
     Birds that inhabit and nest in marshes are some of the least understood species amongst birdwatchers. The difficulty of entering an overgrown wetland in the summer is the probable cause for this. We know even less about the intricate relationships that play out within these lush habitats. My morning observations, though trivial, may shed light on some of those relationships.
     The first species that caught my attention was the Marsh Wren. Its lively song could easily be heard from the middle of the marsh. Since I couldn’t see the bird, I decided to use an ipod recording to help it come into view. Instead, the wren flew low and directly toward me. But before it could land, a Swamp Sparrow came out of nowhere and intercepted the wren, forcing it out of its territory. An agitated male Red-winged Blackbird also flew in to secure its boundary. 
     Marsh Wrens typically nest in isolated pairs, for good reason. This is because wrens are notorious for destroying the eggs and young of neighboring birds such as Red-winged Blackbirds, Swamp Sparrows, Virginia Rails, Sora, Least Bitterns and even other Marsh Wrens. The theory behind these destructive habits includes creating less competition for food with other marsh nesting birds and the expansion of their own breeding territory.
     Playing the Marsh Wren recording brought back memories of a time when I use to conduct call-back surveys for the Connecticut DEP in Glastonbury. I was always amazed at how fast a Virginia Rail could cross a marsh, on foot, when faced with a potential intruder. One rail I remember, parked itself at my feet for over a half-hour calling angrily. Sora is known to be even more aggressive than the Virginia Rail when it comes to defending its territory.
     The Red-winged Blackbird is by far the most conspicuous and energetic species at Station 43. Always in defense of their territorial boundaries, a minute never goes by without a chase or an aggressive response toward another bird. Here is nice description of the male and female blackbird’s territorial habits from the Birds of North America Online;   
     Male establishes and defends territory with clearly delineated boundaries during breeding season. Boundaries may shift within a breeding season (Dickinson and Lein 1987). All activities occur within territories, but male and female also forage, engage in sexual chases, seek extra-pair copulations, and prospect for other breeding opportunities outside territorial boundaries. Defense is based on conspicuousness, song and visual display, and aggressive responses to persistent trespassers (Nero 1956b, Orians and Christman 1968, Peek 1972).
     Existence of female territoriality is controversial. Female is aggressive toward others. Some authors (Nero 1956b, Beletsky 1983a, Hurly and Robertson 1984) assert that females defend “subterritories” within territories of males, but female display perches overlap extensively (Searcy 1986) and the primary aggressive vocalization (teer song) does not deter other females from settling (Yasukawa 1990). Nests are not overdispersed, as would be expected if females were territorial (Picman et al. 1988, Yasukawa et al. 1992a). Dominance status of resident female depends on order of settlement and distance from nest when interacting with other females on male’s territory
     As for my morning search for Least Bitterns, I did finally locate a single bird clinging to an alder bush. Many birders, including myself, raised concerns about the absence of bitterns this spring. Were they no longer breeding at Station 43? What I found out about this year’s late discovery is provided here, courtesy of BoNAO; 
     Because Least Bitterns are highly insectivorous, delayed breeding cycle may be a response to the life cycles of aquatic prey. Emergence of aquatic insects in temperate-zone wetlands peaks in Jun (Orians 1980) when these bitterns are feeding young. Later broods not definitively known, but temporal pattern of nest initiation suggests double-brooding may occur (Kent 1951, Weller 1961). If so, late Jun to mid-Jul in Iowa, with second broods larger than first, owing to the increased availability of food later in the breeding season (Weller 1961).
     In addition to the increased availability of food, I’d like to suggest another benefit to delayed breeding. A delay could help bitterns avoid other nesting birds at a time when they are the most aggressive. A toned down wren or blackbird may be preoccupied with feeding nestlings, rather than territory expansion. This might be enough to reduce the chances of egg loss. 
     Despite all the known conflicts associated with nesting in a marsh, there are a number of important advantages. First, situating nests in and above submerged vegetation helps protect eggs and nestlings from land-dwelling predators like raccoons. Nesting among Red-winged Blackbirds provides additional protection for birds against avian predators such as Blue Jays and Common Grackles.The abundance of aquatic prey that surrounds the nest site is essential to feeding fast growing young.
     If I had to pick one word to describe the relationship between marsh nesting birds, it would have to be tenuous. Even though I singled out the aggressive breeding nature of both the Marsh Wren and Red-winged Blackbird, it is important to realize that each and every wetland species is fully capable of defending its territory, invading nests and destroying eggs to further their own breeding success.